How should we judge a government?

In Malaysia, if you don't watch television or read newspapers, you are uninformed; but if you do, you are misinformed!

"If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing." - Malcolm X

Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience - Mark Twain

Why we should be against censorship in a court of law: Publicity is the very soul of justice … it keeps the judge himself, while trying, under trial. - Jeremy Bentham

"Our government is like a baby's alimentary canal, with a happy appetite at one end and no
responsibility at the other. " - Ronald Reagan

Government fed by the people

Government fed by the people

Career options

Career options
I suggest government... because nobody has ever been caught.

Corruption so prevalent it affects English language?

Corruption so prevalent it affects English language?
Corruption is so prevalent it affects English language?

When there's too much dirt...

When there's too much dirt...
We need better tools... to cover up mega corruptions.

Prevent bullying now!

Prevent bullying now!
If you're not going to speak up, how is the world supposed to know you exist? “Orang boleh pandai setinggi langit, tapi selama ia tidak menulis, ia akan hilang di dalam masyarakat dan dari sejarah.” - Ananta Prameodya Toer (Your intellect may soar to the sky but if you do not write, you will be lost from society and to history.)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Two Perak notable gentlemen Do take the trouble to understand before you find fault with the judges of the court of appeal/

Yes, we should read NH Chan’s explanation first before criticizing the judges. What I like most was his admission that he was wrong earlier – such humility today is rare. He could have sidestepped it and most of us would be none the wiser. A true gentleman indeed!

"Before I sign off, I wish to say a few nice words to the High Court judge. Mr Justice Abul Aziz Abdul Rahim is a fantastic judge. The judgment, especially the piece on the interpretation of Article XVI(6), is so good that it has persuaded me to change my mind on my view of Article XVI(6). If you remember my first article, I have expressed an opinion on Article XVI(6). Now I know I was wrong - and I have to thank Abdul Aziz J for showing me the way."

From Lim Kit Siang’s blog:
26/05/09 11:05
To support PR election fund, Koon pledged RM200,000 to the PR election fund. Cheque received by Nizar and Ngeh
26/05/09 11:02
Retired engineer Koon Yew Yin speaking in support. Describe Perak power grab “eternal shame”. Fully agree with Judge NH Chan’s articles.

Koon must be really pissed off by BN’s actions to openly support Pakatan’s cause.

Both gentlemen are in their seventies. They could have just sat back and enjoy their retirement...

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